intuitive coaching & energy work

Intuitive life cOaCHinG
supporting you on the path of creating a life that
You're committed to
do you know deep down in your bones that life has more to offer than what you're currently experiencing?
are you starving for a more meaningful day to day experience?
something with more contentment, peace & ease
Are you ready to rediscover the Aliveness & depth that life has to offer?
my approach
Through a container of deep listening, we make space for ALL of your feelings to be felt, heard & witnessed. The work I offer creates a space where we can listen to your full spectrum experience & set aside the conditioned blinders that might be clouding your lens on life.
Through a process of witnessing, reflecting & somatic listening, we will start exploring & experimenting with a new path moving forward that is more aligned & deeply connected to your values. By slowing down together & giving grief a seat at the table, we create spaciousness for you to get really honest about what's not working in your life.
Where might you be contorting yourself for life or the people around you?
This depth of honesty allows for a version of yourself & your life to go through a natural death process. Through that sacred journey of decomposition, the soil is rich to get super clear on your values & the seeds you desire to plant & nourish in your life.
let's create space to listen & explore the ways your energy actually wants to flow & express itself in life
it's time to find a new way to move through the world -
physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually
how THE PROGRAM works
3 or 6 Month Offering
+ Personalized coaching sessions every other week
+ Six total sessions in the 3 month package | twelve total sessions in the 6 month package
+ Email & phone support in-between sessions
+ Gain resources for energetic, spiritual & physical self-care
+ Set meaningful short & long-term goals & co-create a realistic plan for achieving them
+ Uncover what nourishes & rejuvenates you on a deep level
+ Receive friendly accountability
+ Personalized Flower Essence Remedies, as needed
+ Energy Clearings during coaching sessions, as needed
Single Sessions offered to past clients
PAY IN FULL $800 ($50 OFF)
One off sessions available for past coaching clients at $120
"Through the time I spent with Jen I feel that my passion for life and the future has returned full circle. I know I am stronger and more confident in the direction I am moving in my life now and I can’t wait for all the new challenges that await me."
- M.L.
What's the differENce between the cOnscious dying cOacHing & the intUitive lIfe COAChING?
Great question! The Conscious Dying Coaching Program has a lot more structure & scaffolding to it than the Intuitive Life Coaching work. With the Conscious Dying Coaching, I have specific questions that I share with you to prepare for our time together and then in our sessions, we deepen into those responses for more clarity. The Intuitive Life Coaching process is more of a dance as we meet what arises moment to moment, session to session. Every session is unique & dependent upon your personal desires & needs. One of the main pillars of both coaching modalities is offering death & grief a seat at the table of life to inform the way you want to live in the present & moving forward.
what kind of time investment will this rEquirE outside of our sessions?
That is totally up to you. Some people carve out time to work on a new practice, explore new routines and/or taking action on clarity that arose in the session. Other people are simply focusing on creating a new mindset so it doesn't necessarily add additional time outside of our sessions together. It depends what you want to get out of our time together.
Does the flOwer essence support & energy work cOme As part of the package?
Yes, those are both included in our time together if that is what would feel supportive to you. Some people choose to add those in and others feel enough support solely with the coaching.